Thursday, December 12, 2019

On the Roof

I once wrote that I'd climb the Eiffel Tower to be met by a thousand snakes if I knew at the end, you'd be there.

Well, in our first meeting of the second round of "us," you took me to the roof of your building. 5 stories high. A beautiful view of the city. I didn't even ask. Didn't protest. Didn't resist. Sure, I'm terrified of heights.

But, you were there. I would walk anywhere with you. No, it wasn't a towering monument filled with snakes, but in retrospect, it should have scared the hell out of me.

You give me comfort and peace in a way no one else has.

Will I walk the stairs and climb onto the roof and sit for an hour and talk with you while we see the city? YES!

And I will feel calm, confident, in control, at peace.

Because you are there. Because with you, I'm the best me.

With you, I do the things my heart wants... I live the life I've dreamed of living.

Just your presence... is enough.

We were on the roof... sharing our worlds.

I've never, ever been happier.

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