Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Sun

For a brief moment, I held the sun.

For a brief moment, the sun held me.

The sun touched me like I'd never been touched.

For so, so many years I'd been guided by the moon.

Just enough light. A light in the darkness.

Sometimes, the moon was big, bright,'s light would sustain me for days.

Sometimes, the moon was gone, or barely there. But, it was just enough.

I kept going. Guided by what I thought was the most brilliant light. The light most likely to keep me safe, to guide me home.


Then one day.

One day, the sun.

The sun shone bright. So bright, at first I didn't even believe it.

This couldn't be real … it couldn't be true.

There's no light like this... no light I can see that's this bright.

Surely, no light this strong can shine on me.

But you did.

You became my sun.

Hot, intense, persistent, constant, brilliant.

And you were there day after day after day as if there were never any clouds.

And as I came to know you, I saw the clouds... the ones you'd never let show … you were always so bright, so brilliant for me.

You were my sun... the essence of my existence .. Your brightness kept me alive, kept me moving forward.

One night, I held you... I held the sun. She held me back, embraced me with a warmth I never knew was possible.

I gave everything to the sun... your light was so bright, you saw all of me.

All of me is still here... Waiting. Waiting for the sun again.

Waiting for what I never knew I needed.

YOU are my sun.

Hot to the touch, painful at times, brilliant, beautiful, essential...

Like all things alive, I need MY sun.

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