Thursday, November 21, 2019

You don't know this...

You don't know this... and you may never know.

But. Just before I met you, I almost died.

I was closer than I have ever been to ending my own life.

This was over a year ago, but it was only a few months before I met you.

I snapped out of that vision.

I was listening to a song I know well... a painful, powerful rendition.

And I saw all of it.

The gun in the drawer, the gun in my mouth, all of it.

I'm not there any more. Not even close.

For one, I sold the gun.

The darkness followed me … days that led into weeks that became months.

Then, you.

I met you.

And that one tiny message... "I want you to know I really appreciate you." That's ALL I needed.

The darkness went away.

I just needed one person to believe... to see the amazing inside me.

Just one.


You don't know it and I don't know how to say it.

But, I'm writing it here.

Thank you.

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